Abbot Adam: None (2015)
A No Face Performance Group piece.
Abbot Adam: None is the second piece in the Abbot Adam Cycle, a series of works using the lens of medieval monasticism to examine ideas about purity, devotion, community, desire, and control. Loosely inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours, a system of Christian prayer that was used to structure life in certain medieval monastic communities, each piece in the series will have a radically different form.
None is a performance about labor, leisure, and despair in monastic life. Named after a short prayer that marks the end of the workday, the piece explores the delicate interplay between speech and silence, between action and stillness, and between joy and sadness.
Premiere: December 10 - 12, 2015, FringeArts, Philadelphia, PA.
Creation and Performance: Jaime Maseda and Iris McCloughan
Costumes and Sound: Jaime Maseda and Iris McCloughan
Set and Lights: Andrew Thompson